Regarding Death of Student - Be there for each other. We are here for you.

October 21, 2018

A few days ago a student tragically died in a car accident while driving to visit his grandmother. What happened to Jake is awful and tragic. There are no answers or why’s - death; and especially sudden and tragic death; is one of the most bitter things one can experience in life. Please reach out to his friends, family, sister, and be there for them

There are so many different feelings and reactions one can have - all of them normal. If you feel even the slightest need or interest - take the time to talk about it with friends, a professional, and please reach out to us, we are always here for you. Please call/text/email any time.

Rabbi Shlomo -615-6863905/

Nechama - 615-686-3910/

Keep an open eye and ear out for your friends, if they seem to be struggling with this or anything else - talk to them - listen to them and help them. Especially at times like this we need to be there for eachother.


While the “why” a tragedy happened can rarely be answered - the “what” do we do after a tragedy is extremely important to focus on.

I saw a sign the other day - it was kind of dark but it works now. It read: “If you want to love something - think about how one day it will be gone”.

Our lives are full of beautiful relationships and relationships that could be beautiful. So often we get caught up in the rush of life that we forget to nurture the most important things we have. A tragedy like this is a massive stop sign telling us - take a moment friend, slow down, and nurture your relationships with your parents, your family, your friends, and be kind to everyone - nothing is forever.

One of the main “what’s” after a tragedy is to increase in friendship and kindness - to appreciate each other in a new way and give our relationships the attention they need.

On a spiritual level - increasing in Mitzvot and good deeds, especially charity and helping others brings great blessing to the soul of someone who passed away.

Once again please reach out if we can be there for you or a friend in any way,

Warmest regards, all our blessings and love,

Rabbi Shlomo and Nechama

Shlomo Rothstein