Dear Parents,

Sending young people off to college is one of the most difficult things for a parent. Four years away fro m home will cause irrevocable changes, ideally for the better, but there are no guarantees. Who is there for your child?

   The Chabad House— open 24/7 and home to an ever growing roster of activities –has gained a reputation as one of the most successful campus in-reach and outreach programs in the country. Through all of our growth, our focus has remained fixed on the individual; on enriching the lives of each and every one of our students. On providing a home away from home, a place filled with comfort and joy and Jewish pride. Please take a moment to browse our site and familiarize yourself with our offerings: Shabbat, Social events, Classes, Services, and more.

    Most importantly, please know that we are here to serve your child. Hopefully their collegiate experience will be filled with all kinds of new and fun experience but should the need arise, we want you to know that there is always someone available to help your child . Our office handles emergencies, crisis intervention and referrals. We are also available to lend a listening ear if your child just needs to talk. If you have a specific concern or issue you wish to discuss please do not hesitate to call Rabbi Shlomo & Nechama Rothstein (615) 686-3905

  If there is anything we can offer your child or any way we can be of service, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Most Sincerely,

Rabbi Shlomo & Nechama Rothstein 

How can I support my child?

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Vanderbilt Chabad

We are always happy to talk!

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